: Always: wrap prose if it exceeds the print width, Never: never wrap the prose, Preserve: wrap prose as-is. : Print spaces between brackets in objects. : Use single quotes instead of double quotes. : Enable/disable default YAML formatter (requires restart). yaml.yamlVersion: Set default YAML spec version ( 1.2 or 1.1). Starting from 1.0.0 the extension uses eemeli/yaml as the new YAML parser, which strictly enforces the specified YAML spec version.ĭefault YAML spec version is 1.2, it can be changed with yaml.yamlVersion setting. Please refer to Language Server Settings to setup a schema YAML version support On type formatting auto indent for array itemsĪuto completion and hover support are provided by the schema. Hovering over a node shows description if provided by schema.
Scalar nodes autocomplete to schema's defaults if they exist.Provides the document outlining of all completed nodes in the file.
Detects whether the entire file is valid yaml.Provides comprehensive YAML Language support to Visual Studio Code, via the yaml-language-server, with built-in Kubernetes syntax support.